5 time-consuming flow coordinator tasks (and how to simplify them)

March 8, 2024

Another great day ahead for the Bettembourg logistics platform. You park and walk up to the building smiling. The weather is nice, you are in a good mood. You sit down at your desk with morning coffee.

Another great day ahead for the Bettembourg logistics platform. You park and walk up to the building smiling.

The weather is nice, you are in a good mood. You sit at your desk with morning coffee. ♪ Ti-du-du-Duuu ♫: your computer starts up, the programs launch. Outlook opens. Emails arrive by the dozen. The dream evaporates. The day starts.

As a flow coordinator or pilot, your work day is intense. Some tasks require a large part of your daily time, but they do not directly contribute to the smooth delivery of goods.

But that was before.

Many companies are setting up digital solutions for logistics visibility in real time. This allows the logistical automation of some of these time-consuming operations. How? Demonstration in 5 points.

The inventory

“Maxime, I need an inventory this morning, we have an urgent order, I need to know our available capacities”

In the absence of any other method, the inventory is often done in the field: you have to go around the farm and count the equipment in order to then be able to update the file with the availability status. This can even be transformed into real sports training: to get an overview of the arrival of the trains, there is sometimes no other way than to go out under the snow in winter, to go around the entire platform, or even to climb silos.

Now, no more problems: in one click you can see everything. For each area of business interest, the inventory is updated in real time.

Intra-group pooling

“Hello everyone, do any of you have the 1844 trailer on your site?”

In a large group organization, equipment often travels between regional agencies, and you sometimes lose track of your own trailers, nacelles, or trestles.

To find them, a chain of collective emails is then initiated, the outcome of which is uncertain: will someone answer you?

Logistics tracking platforms exempt fleet managers from this type of concern: real-time visibility In fact, it allows you to know the precise position of your equipment at any time.


In most companies, mileage tracking is done essentially in the same way as the electricity reading: a person posted at each station is responsible for consulting the odometer to retrieve the information manually.

With tracking solutions, this feedback can now be automated.

Flow management

Every day, you make phone calls and send emails to find out about departures and arrivals, check the maintenance status of a car or trailer, or simply to be aware of equipment traffic. This is all the more time consuming as it is not always clear who is the competent contact person on the matter.

Through IoT logistics optimization solutions, you can now monitor traffic and traffic hazards, such as delays, in real time.

The reporting

As a logistics coordinator, reporting can be part of your missions. To do this, you need to navigate between emails and Excel files: recovering the data is thus artisanal. Save time: performance statistics relevant to your business activity can be automatically calculated and exported.

Instead of spending time finding information, Everysens allows you to spend time looking for solutions: why did this happen and how can you fix it? The goal is the logistical automation of time-consuming actions, in order to allow logisticians to focus on their core business: flow management, service quality and operational excellence.

Want to learn a bit more? Plan a meeting with our team.